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30 Things I've Learned in 30 Years

As per tradition, I've compiled a list of things - lessons, values, and general silliness - I've learned over the course of the last three decades.
--crap on a spatula, THREE DECADES? Okay, I'm just gonna get started before I think about this too much...

  1. Family. Family. Family. Family. get it. I think. I mean, I hardly EVER talk about it, so how would you know? Anyway, whomever you consider your family to be, blood related or not, hold tight and don't let go.
  2. Life is far too short to hold onto trivial annoyances. Feel your feelings and then let them go. It's tough, because at the time it usually feels like the most important thing ever, but it's really worth it.
  3. Life is also too short to read mediocre books, so if you need recommendations, I'm always happy to oblige.
  4. Mental Health Awareness is SO IMPORTANT. Mentall illness is surrounded by a stigma that should not exist, and the only way to break it down is to talk about it. If you're dealing with any type of mental illness, TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT IT. If someone you know is dealing with mental illness, LET THEM TALK TO YOU ABOUT IT. More importantly, LISTEN to them. Understand that it's no different than dealing with any other illness or ailment. We don't choose it. We can't just "get over it." And it won't get better unless the problem is acknowledged and addressed. Please check out these resources if you or someone you know is in need of help: || || || || National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
  5. You don't have to follow the path other people expect you to, or the one society tells you is "right" and/or "socially acceptable." SPOILER ALERT: Society doesn't always know what the heck it's talking about.
  6. Anne of Green Gables is still ridiculously good. I'm strictly talking book + movies starring Megan Follows as Anne. Classic.
  7. You're never too old for a good middle-grade or young adult book, and there are some really great ones out there. See me for details. ;-)
  8. You're also never too old for a good show or movie. Disney will never not be awesome.
  9. What works for you might not be right for someone else. What works for someone else might not be right for you. It's all okay. It would be kind of pointless if there were 7 billion identical humans on this planet.
  10. "There are as many ways to live in this world as there are people in this world, and each one deserves a closer look." (See item #8 if you don't know this quote.)
  11. Don't get so caught up in someone else's life that you forget to live your own.
  12. I prefer incense to candles. Sorry Bath & Body Works, you're not sucking me in anymore! --omg but that new lotion smells amazing, though...
  13. It's important to understand the value of being alone as well as with other people.
  14. Sometimes you just need to binge-watch Parks & Rec, Gilmore Girls, or The Office, even if you've seen every episode 10+ times. It's fine.
  15. Podcasts are really cool things. I recommend: Welcome to Night Vale, Gossip, Crash on my Couch, Don't Blame Me, and The Jenna + Julien Podcast.
  16. Also, ebooks & audio books are kind of awesome. I'll admit, I was a total snob about them in the past, but I've seen the error of my ways. I particularly recommend consuming autobiographical books via audiobook. I've found it's often more entertaining to hear the author tell their own stories out loud than it is to read it.
  17. Practice this:
  18. There's always time for a good pun or a silly "dad joke." Also, please feel free to share some of these in the comments for this post, it would truly make my day.
  19. Um, musical versions of Mean Girls & Heathers? YES PLEASE.
  20. Looking outside your own world experience is a valuable thing. Take time to learn about people and cultures who are very different from you and yours; it's quite humbling.
  21. Letting yourself say no can sometimes be necessary, but letting yourself say yes can often be really great.
  22. A few (fake, in my case, but no less joy inducing) flowers really brighten up a room.
  23. Karma is REAL. One way or another, you get back what you put out there.
  24. There is a such thing as being an "extroverted introvert" (social introvert), and that is me. See this article:
  25. Lost is still the best show ever made. Change my mind. (You can't.)
  26. "...let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18
  27. Be nice to people.
  28. Faith.
  29. Trust.
  30. Pixie dust.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


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