We pick up where we left off with Jack & the marshal, who keeps trying to tell him about K8, but apparently, telling Jack to look in his jacket pocket is easier than just saying her name. Now Jacko knows who the felon is. Oooooh.
Mini-A-team is headed back to the beach, but they have to stop & make camp for the night. Sayid re-enacts the flight & subsequent crash with a fiery stick instead of a leaf-plane. Guess he didn’t have as much time on his hands. Charlie is sure they’ll still be found, maybe via satellite, but then Sayid explains how satellites actually work, so that hope is shot. Would anything ever have gotten done on that island without Sayid Jarrah? I don’t think so.
James wants to talk about the 16-year-long radio signal; Boone wants to tell everyone about it, but Sayid knows better. “Hope is a very dangerous thing to lose.”
It wasn’t a dinosaur, Hurley.
Jack is still insistent he can fix everything, but those of us who know him know better. Hurley inadvertently sees K8’s mugshot & Jack tells him it’s not their business what she did…(oh, but it is, though.)
Everyone on the mini-A-team agrees K8 is definitely the most logical, rational person to be the keeper of the gun. If only they knew how ironic this moment is. James would sure have a good laugh.
FLASHBACK, K8 is in Australia, taking advantage of another poor sap. “Annie,” she introduces herself. Like the orphan? Hm. There's that irony thing again.
Back in the present, mini-A-team has returned. K8 decides to tell Jack the truth...about the distress signal. Then she acts like she doesn’t know the marshal & tries to be sneaky. Jack isn’t going to tell her he knows...yet. He’s such a K8 apologist.
Jack volunteers to go digging through the overhead compartments for more medicine, among all the B-O-D-Y-S, but he’s unknowingly entered James’s lair. James makes a fair point, that Jack’s too focused on saving just that one guy & is using all the medicine too quickly. Hmmm...
Charlie & Claire have a meet cute. Jin really seems like an ass right now, but new viewers don’t know him and his journey like we do. Hurley acts all awkward around K8 because subtlety is not his forte, and then he sees the gun in the back of her jeans so he’s off and running. Meanwhile, in the flashback, K8 is planning to cut & run...shocker.
The marshal wakes up & tries to kill K8 because he’s somehow super strong despite all his injuries. Adrenaline! (Or something.) Jack separates them & realizes the marshal is definitely going to die. K8 tries to talk Jack into “putting him out of his misery” but our good doctor is NOT a murderer. I mean, he could have tried to ask the marshal what he wanted, but maybe he wouldn’t be lucid enough for that, so whatever I guess.
Flashback!K8’s new buddy sells her out for the reward, but he’s a good dude. I mean, you don’t just not turn in a dangerous wanted criminal because she does a few chores for you. Seriously.
Michael seems concerned about Walt hanging out with “Mr. Locke,” and then accidentally stumbles upon naked Sun. Probably one of the most awkward scenes ever on television. Change my mind.
Everyone’s disturbed by the cries of the dying marshal, who Jack still thinks he can fix somehow. K8 puts herself in solitary, but James invades her space. Blech. They chat about putting the marshal out of his misery again. The marshal is awake now and he tells Jack not to believe her (hello, pronoun game), “no matter what she makes you feel,” which leads me to believe his obsession with catching her began as sexual interest. He has a wedding band on, but ya know. Details.
Flashback “Annie” rolls the truck with her & her buddy in it, because she doesn’t actually care about other people as long as she gets away. To her credit, she does pull him out of the burning vehicle and doesn’t get away this time, because we’re supposed to feel sympathetic toward her. I still don’t.
The marshal & K8 chat a bit & he asks her if she’s going to...yeah, put him out of his misery. Jack & Hurley realize they left K8 alone with him and she has a gun...but she’s not the one to shoot him. Unfortunately for James, he didn’t realize you’ve gotta go for the head, not the heart. He has a few things to learn before the zombie apocalypse happens...wait, that’s a different show. ANYWAY, Jack winds up - you guessed it - putting the marshal out of his misery. This might be the most times that phrase has ever been used in one recap.
Locke’s hand-carved whistle gets Vincent back in a jiff, and he lets Michael take the credit. Friendship!
Jack sits on the beach and thinks about what he’s done. K8 tries to tell him what she did, but he brushes it off because he’s a K8 apologist, as previously discussed. Jack says “three days ago, we all died,” so I guess I kind of get why people were like “OMG THEY’VE BEEN DEAD THE WHOLE TIME” for a while, but really, he was just referring to the title of this episode. Clean slate.
Happy music montage!
- end of episode three-
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