In every generation, there is a chosen one...wait, that’s the opening sequence of Buffy. What I mean is, everyone, no matter what generation they’re from, has (at least) that one thing that changed their lives. It might be a movie, like The Sound of Music, Star Wars, or Casablanca. It might be a show, like I Love Lucy, Cheers, or--well, Buffy. It might be a comic, or a song, or a particular musical artist. For me, it was a book - or rather, a series of books - that was released 20 years ago today. I’d heard everyone talking about how good Harry Potter was, but I was a little late to the party - the first book was released when I was 8, but it wasn’t until age 11 (roughly the same age as the characters I was reading about) that I finally started the series. At the time, of course, I had no idea the effect it would have on my life, or the dark times ahead that it would help me get through. All I knew was that it was magical, and though I also knew that sort of magic existed only in ...