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Showing posts from July, 2018

Lost Recap: Episode 1.03, Tabula Rasa

We pick up where we left off with Jack & the marshal, who keeps trying to tell him about K8, but apparently, telling Jack to look in his jacket pocket is easier than just saying her name. Now Jacko knows who the felon is. Oooooh. Mini-A-team is headed back to the beach, but they have to stop & make camp for the night. Sayid re-enacts the flight & subsequent crash with a fiery stick instead of a leaf-plane. Guess he didn’t have as much time on his hands. Charlie is sure they’ll still be found, maybe via satellite, but then Sayid explains how satellites actually work, so that hope is shot. Would anything ever have gotten done on that island without Sayid Jarrah? I don’t think so. James wants to talk about the 16-year-long radio signal; Boone wants to tell everyone about it, but Sayid knows better. “Hope is a very dangerous thing to lose.” It wasn’t a dinosaur, Hurley. Jack is still insistent he can fix everything, but those of us who know him know better. Hurley...